WMI Policies
Conditions of Enrollment
1. A $250 deposit per Certificate of Competency (or $250 per course to a maximum of $1,000 if you already have some of the courses completed) is required to register for courses. This fee is non-refundable in the event of subsequent cancellation by the student. In the event additional fees have been prepaid, these will be refunded based on Western Maritime Institute’s Refund Policy. If the course is cancelled, refunds will be provided as per Clause 4 below.
2. If insufficient students register for the course and it is cancelled, the registration fee may be applied to a similar course within the same academic year.
3. The balance of the fees are due and payable fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement of the course.
4. Where insufficient numbers of students are registered, Western Maritime Institute will offer those students registering the option of paying a surcharge (as per the Refund Policy) to meet the minimum cost recovery for the course, or receiving a full refund of fees paid.
5. Fees quoted are generally inclusive of fees, textbooks and taxes. However, if there are charges for field trips or other materials, the student will be advised on registration.
6. In accordance with part 4(10)(1)(a) of the Personal Information Protection Act, we hereby notify you that your name and personal information, the name of your certificate of study, and the amount of the tuition paid will be forwarded to the Private Training Institutions Branch of the Ministry of Education for the purpose of administering the Student Training Completion Fund. The information is collected by the PTIB under section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For more information about the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, visit the Branch web site at www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca.
Individual Policies
Admissions Policy
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Alcohol & Drug Policy
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Attendance Policy
PDF File, 101 Kb
Clothing Requirement for MED Courses
PDF File, 36 Kb
Communicable Disease Policy
PDF File, 103 Kb
Dismissal Policy
PDF File, 110 Kb
Dispute Resolution and Grades Appeal Policy
PDF File, 133 Kb
Examination Invigilation Policy
PDF File, 51 Kb
Language Proficiency Policy
PDF File, 103 Kb
Registration Fee and Refund Policy
PDF File, 118 Kb
Respectful Academic & Workplace Policy
PDF File, 103 Kb
Sexual Misconduct Policy
PDF File, 414 Kb
Student Withdrawal Policy
PDF File, 103 Kb